Member-only story
Five years a Dalmatian
Which aren’t just black and white.
Back in 2015 I was on the stunning Abel Tasman trail weighing up my next steps. New Zealand had been a real treat, so much so I was even thinking about applying for the one year visa.
However, having been far away from home for a couple of years I thought it would have been a bit mean to inflict that on my family, having told them I was on my way home. So, I decided to head back closer to the UK. Whilst looking for a country that reflecting a bit of NZ, I decided fairly quickly on Croatia, and then Dalmatia and finally Split.
I hit the five-year anniversary in October 2020, and I thought it apt to look back on the journey so far.
Longer term thinking
I came here with a five-year plan, based on the fact that in most places I had only spent a maximum of two years and therefore limited physically and psychologically what I could achieve.
I moved to Dalmatia with a different mindset, albeit flexible and nothing set in stone, as I knew that if things weren’t going down the right path then perhaps I would up sticks and go.
It did almost happen, and a few times at that.
Brexit being voted for threw a potential spanner in the works, no-one knew what it meant…